- So that the rate of criminal will decrease
- To show that the seriousness of the criminal
- Show justice for the victims
by "STAR" __ Group members: Grace sia, Michelle Ting, Karen Tan, Michelle Hii, Brenda Ngu
Posted by Star_Star at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Why we should allow death penalty to be continued in Malaysia?
Posted by Star_Star at 7:10 PM 0 comments
(1)What are the disadvantages of religion?
=it divides when it is supposed to unite many wars have been waged because everyone has a different name for basically the same God only the metaphors are different.
=people who are evil use the church to cover up their badness. That is it part of their pretense. outwardly they appear to be Christians, for examples, because they go to church. But on the inside, they are far from it.
=too much self promotions and showing off.
=it will make a person feel over confidence that having a religion everthing will be fine.
=cause hate of those outside your particular flavor of religion, segregates people, censors people, spreads lies regarding science to protect itself
(2)How can religion unite people?
=having the same idea and opinion of unite
=discourage doing wrong deed but encourage doing good
=encourage people to be patient and tolerence in order to prevent misunderstand but to unite
=religion enable us to have a same beliefs and this can make us live together although we are from diferent races.
=religion made us to be a better person so that we can communicate and live well with others and finally it unite us.
(3)How can people intrepret religion differently
=different people have different thinking and beliefs.
=some people maybe influence by others so their thinking also will be different.
=they have no actual information about religion
=different religions have differents beliefs
=each person defines God and spiritually as well as religion differently.
Posted by Star_Star at 12:35 AM 0 comments
- most of them are having stress and think in a negative way
They have too much problems and do not get support from their parents and peers.
- influence of environment and lack of love
They may influenced by the surroundings which encourage violence in their countries and always use violence to solve problems.
- influence of religion
Some of them are having misunderstandings of their religion and they get to the wrong path and kill themselves.
Posted by Star_Star at 12:10 AM 0 comments
(1)Disadvantages of religion are:
-causes people to fight against each other because they believe that their own religion is the only true one (example: Israel and the middle east)
-Require people to take time off and analyze the religion, thus decreasing productivity
-Prevents scientific research because it is often the opposite of the teachings of a religious text (example: Darwinism and creationism)
-Acts as a limitation (e.g. Jehovah's witness followers have to refuse life saving blood transfusions or, Muslims cannot consume pork which is a cheap source of protein)
-A religion's law maybe different from a country's law.
(2)How does religion unite people:
-Discourages evil doing amongst believers, thus creating a 'nicer' society (example: Islam tells its believers to cut off the hands of those who steal)
-Discourages fighting amongst a religion's own believers (example: Romans 4 : do not fight with other christians)
-Gives people a common factor, thus increasing the feeling of requirement of a person to do good deeds in the name of the religion
-Removes other barriers that render people unable to blend together (ae: race, colour)
-having the same idea and opinion of unite
Posted by Star_Star at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Star_Star at 6:07 AM 0 comments
1. What are the disadvantages of religions?
2. How can religions unite people?
Posted by Star_Star at 2:41 AM 0 comments
-Cultural destruction
-Problematic discrepancies present cultural values
-Conflicts between practitioner of different creed
-Conflicts between supertitious belief
-Conflicts between adherences and atheists
-People believing In God
-Festival open house (eg: Christmas Day)
-Organize activites (eg: perform)
-Religion teach people have to love and protect each other so they will be united
-When people take the same in religion as if its a same in spscies they can united
- Different religions have diffrent belief
- Every religion transfer different message (bible) to their believer
- Beliefs are largely unproven and non-factual as a result people may interpret aspects of their
religion differently and have different view of religion
- Don't have a strong sense of religion so they may interpret religion differently
- The cultural of race and living are different so the religion are differently
Posted by Star_Star at 8:10 AM 0 comments
From a very early age children can become members of or affiliated with a religious group because of their parents' commitments or decisions. They are introduced into that religious group's beliefs, norms and patterns of life. Conflict can occur for some students when they want to undertake a different religious or spiritual quest – which may also include a rebellion against any belief – to that of their family.
Some religious groups believe that theirs is the only true religion. This can lead to members of those religions being less accepting or tolerant of other belief systems. Members of these groups can be unwilling to find out about other belief systems. This situation sustains prejudices and stereotypical images.
In school communities discrimination and prejudice flourish when the interests of minority religious groups are not incorporated into the curriculum and whole school environment. Marginalising members of belief systems leads to intolerance, hostility and tension.
Religion has increasingly been recognized as a resource for treating additions. Operation Recoil, launched in October by police and related services in the Western Cape, had some effect in its early stages but did not decisively reduce overall gang activity drug- trafficking. More seriously, gang organization continued to operate on a secure basis throughout the Western Cape, especially in the working-class areas of the Cape Flats. According to the police Gang Investigation Unit, over 130 gangs are operating in the region, with anything between 30 000 and 80 000 active gang members. The U.S. government has begun funding religious addiction recovery programs as part of its faith-based initiatives.
Posted by Star_Star at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Gangsterism is common in a developing nation such as Malaysia and we have heard a lot about it occurring in schools. It has been reported that in developed countries, schoolchildren are increasingly involved in gangs.
To curb this social ill, parents, educators and society at large should be aware of what is going on among our youths. Though there are various psychological and physical factors that cause a person to choose to become a gang member, here are some basic suggestions for parents/guardians to help nurture their children with love and respect.
Posted by Star_Star at 2:08 AM 0 comments
Have we lost today? Not at all. High-rate cocaine use is not commonplace. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that less than 5 percent of high-school seniors used cocaine within the last thirthy days. Of course this survey misses young people who have dropped out of school and miscounts those who lie on the questionnaire, but even if we inflate, the NIDA estimate by some plausible percentage, it is still not much above 5 percent. Medical examiners reported in 1987 that about 1500 died from cocaine use; hospital emergency rooms reported about 30000 admissions related to cocaine abuse. (Contemporary Moral Problems, James E. White, page 398)
Posted by Star_Star at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Worldwide, violence claims the lives of 1.6 million people each year. According to a recent report by the World Healt Organization, 14 percent of all deaths for males in 2001 were due to violence, and 7 percent for females. Men were responsible for more than three-quartes of all homicides, with men ages 15 to 29 having the highest rates.
According to the lobbying group Handgun Control, "more Americans were killed with guns in the 18-year period between 1979 and 1997 (651,697) than were killed in battle in all wars since 1775 (650,858).An American dies from a gunshot wound every eighteen minutes. Of the 60,000 Americans to die from guns in the last two years, 1500 died accidentally, 15000 committed suicide and 11000 were murdered. Arguments about the contribution of gun availability to violent gun deaths often depend on empirical claims that are difficult to verify. Supporters of gun ownership most often appeal to particular interpretations of the Second Amendment to the U.S constitution and its stipulations about the "right to bear arms." Critics of such claims point out that this had to do with the need at the time for an armed militia as an internal protective force and that the same conditions do not now apply.
Posted by Star_Star at 1:48 AM 0 comments